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How to identify Developmental Delays?

Many children with clinically significant developmental delays are not detected until the first few years of school. Consequently, critical early intervention opportunities for young children who are at-risk of developing problems may be delayed and/or lost.

Every child grows and learns differently; however, children are expected to gain some specific developmental skill sets according to their age.  



A developmental delay refers to when a child hasn’t achieved some of those developmental skill sets expected according to their age. 

These delays may occur in one or more areas, such as motor function, speech and language, cognitive, social and emotional skills. Different from a developmental disability, such as cerebral palsy or autism, developmental delays may not last for life. Early intervention as in screenings, evaluations, caregiver education, coaching and treatment as needed are possibilities to help children overcome their developmental delays.


What CAUSES Developmental Delays?

Although developmental delays can happen to any child, some factors can contribute to it. Some of them are genetic or hereditary conditions, metabolic disorders, trauma to the brain, PTSD, exposure to toxic substances, infections and food deprivation.


What are the SIGNS of Developmental Delays? 

Signs may vary from child to child and may be difficult to notice at an early age. However, the earlier a concern is identified, the quicker your child may catch up. Here are some of the most common signs:

  • Learning slower than other children the same age
  • Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking much later than developmentally expected
  • Being clumsy or having difficulty holding onto small objects, tying shoes, or brushing teeth
  • Trouble learning in school
  • Trouble understanding social cues or carrying on two-way conversations
  • Difficulty dealing with frustration or coping with change.
  • Having problems remembering things
  • Difficulties talking or talking late
  • Inability to connect actions with consequences
  • Difficulty with problem-solving or logical thinking


Your child deserves a chance to reach his or her full potential!

With that in mind, we developed the K-Shield Assisted Screening: A complete assessment that will give an accurate picture of whether your child’s development is on track. It is a highly effective way to identify developmental concerns and provide guidance to avoid academic or social school related struggles.


K-Shield is recommended for kids from 36 to 66 months old, and includes:
• Live video consultation
Pre-evaluation with specialized therapists
Assistance to parents in applying ASQ 3™ questionnaires
Documentation results supporting the new Florida’s Family Empowerment Scholarship Program
Recommendation on intervention activities which parents, daycare and preschool staff can use promoting development before starting school


You can learn more about K-SHIELD Screening and choose the best date for scheduling here.

We are here to help you from the beginning!


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Despite the benefits of using Mobility Aids many people who could benefit from these devices choose not to use them. One of the reasons? Social stigma!

Walkers, canes, crutches, braces, wheelchairs, electric scooters… More than to avoid accidents from happening or further damage, Mobility Aids aim to guarantee people’s freedom and independence despite limitations caused by disabilities, injuries or aging.

Although autonomy and safety are key motivators of mobility devices use, the will to avoid social stigma is what holds some patients back. Concerns such as discrimination, negative attention or even of being perceived as inferiors or too fragile may reduce acceptance and contribute to the abandonment of mobility aids

On the other hand, other users of mobility aids state that they feel strong and proud of using their devices, as it shows that there is always a way to adapt to limitations in order to do the things they love or want to do.

A number of patients states that mobility devices make their disabilities visible and become a welcome card for people to ask invasive questions that most mobility aid users are not comfortable answering.

Those who have anxiety or feel ashamed of using mobility devices are more likely to be sedentary and to limit social contact, which may lead to other conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, poor cognitive function, and depression.

After receiving the recommendation to use a Mobility Aid, having the assistance of an Occupational Therapist is highly encouraged. They can not only suggest the right tools but also teach how to use those tools and their accessibilities in order to gain more self-confidence.

As this process goes beyond physical preparations, it’s also paramount to find a good Mental Health professional who can help through stages such as grieving and accepting the need of using a mobility aid or learning how to cope with social anxiety.

From a grieving or acceptance stage to coping with social anxiety of using mobility aids, patients can benefit a lot from speaking with a Mental Health Professional.

If you thought about yourself or a loved one when reading this blog post and believe that a follow up from an Occupational or Behavioral Therapist would help him or her, schedule a Live Video Consultation and Teletherapy Sessions with us at .

Click here to learn more about our Occupation Therapy Sessions.

You can also find us on our Social Media Channels:




We look forward to helping you and your family through your wellness journey!

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TOURETTE’S SYNDROME beyond motor and vocal tics.

A sudden jump, eye-roll, cough, or even a swearing word… These are some of the involuntary tics that characterize and sometimes even stereotype symptoms of a neurodevelopmental disorder called Tourette’s Syndrome.

Tourette’s is a chronic condition that usually starts during childhood. It causes a person to make involuntary sounds and movements called: TICS! Tics can be either Motor (blinking, jerking, shrugging shoulders etc.) or Vocal (humming, yelling a word or phrase, swearing etc.) and are usually worse during stressful or exciting times.

Tics and other symptoms may improve after years or in some cases, go away completely. However, they can also reappear.

Tics are just the superficial characteristics of Tourette’s Syndrome! A person with Tourette’s Syndrome may also suffer from other challenging disorders that are hard to spot by people who are not familiar with this disorder:

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)… is the most common co-occurring condition among children with TS. Children with ADHD have trouble paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)… can be easily misinterpreted as a complex tic: Thinking about, saying, or doing something over and over. More than third of people with TS have OCD.
  • Anxiety and Mood Disorders (Depression/Bipolar Disorder)… are more common in TS patients who also suffer with ADHD and OCD. However, mood disorders or anxiety can also be triggered due to emotional distress and loss of self-esteem, which can result from living with TS.
  • Rage Episodes… are more likely to happen with people who have more severe TS symptoms, especially when they are tired or sick. These episodes are unintentional explosive outburst that are out of proportion to the triggering event. The frequency of the outbursts may vary.
  • Sleep Disorders… are common in as many as 60% of people with TS. This can not only be caused by alterations in brain structures or neurotransmitters due to TS, but can also be associated with the ticcing, with conditions like ADHD and depression, and even with medications used to treat TS symptoms.
  • Learning Disorders… may also be cause by co-existing symptoms like OCD or ADHD or can also be developed due to the tics that may disrupt concentration and visual spatial attention, also interfering with reading and writing skills, including handwriting.
  • Speech or Language Disorders… may be associated with vocal tics, such as stuttering for instance.


Although TS has no cure, TREATMENT can help manage symptoms and disorders caused by TOURETTE’S SYNDROME:

  • Behavioral therapy –Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Tics, including habit-reversal training, can help monitor tics, identify premonitory urges and learn to voluntarily move in a way that’s incompatible with the tic.
  • Occupational Therapy – If tics, ADD or OCD cause limitations or interruptions to daily life activities or ‘occupations’ caused by TS, then Occupational Therapy can be beneficial.
  • Psychotherapy – It can help not the patient only cope with TS, but also with other conditions such as ADHD, obsessions, depression or anxiety.

It’s also important to raise awareness in the community in order to avoid misconception and even bullying, which increase the risk of Social Phobia, Anxiety and Mood Disorders for people who suffer with TS.

If you are looking for a diagnosis or any of the Treatment Options mentioned above, you can schedule a Live Video Consultation and Teletherapy at .

You can also find us on our Social Media Channels:




We look forward to helping you through your journey of healing and wellness!