Powered by AC&A Educational and Therapy Services | +1 (954) 869-7202 | info@acandassociates.com
Partnership with Daycare Centers and Preschools
Helping Children Get Ready for Big School

The KShield Partnership is primarily designed to form a collaborative partnership between Daycares, Preschools, selected primary school/centers and establishments caring for and educating children between the ages of 3 and 5.5 years of age. The partnership provides the preliminary screening and assists with placement for new children as well as identifying developmental difficulties/delays and referring for therapy services or other programs needed.

The Goal: KShield Partnership provides developmental screenings and identifies areas of developmental concerns in the early years which may affect educational and developmental growth. The program links caregivers/educators and family members to available resources provided by a team of professional therapists and or programs for addressing the identified developmental concerns.

Childcare providers now have an effective tool which identifies areas where a child may need more support. Early detection of developmental concerns is a key step in providing children and families with the services needed for academic and social success.

What is KShield Screening?

KShield Screening is a comprehensive online developmental screening providing an accurate developmental profile and individualized plan encompassing best practice resources and guidance for educational success.

It is a simple and easy to do process which parents, child educators, caregivers, and health care providers can use for capturing a child’s strengths and weaknesses and identify children who may benefit from more intensive assessments addressing potential developmental delays.

KShield allows parents and Daycare staff to target educational activities and efforts according to each child’s individual characteristics and stage of development, improving the conditions for future academic success, health and well-being for all children screened.

Schedule now a live video consultation with an AC&A specialized therapist

Special Educator and Therapy Services General Enquiries


How It Works

1. Schedule a video conference with an AC&A specialized therapist.

2. Submit a School Registration Form prior to the live meeting.

3. Meet with the specialized therapist to discuss intake and relevant information received from the Intake Form, as well as your needs for supporting Exceptional Students Education.

4. During the video consultation, specialized therapist will be able to assess the specific characteristics and needs of your school, and answer all your questions about educational and therapeutic services at school.